Seraphine Photography

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Rexhame Beach and South River Session in Late Summer</a>

Stormy Weather, Sharks in the water no problem. we had been looking forward to this Late Summer Beach Session for Months and a lot went into it such as hiring a hair and makeup artist, taking time off work so she can be rested was just a few things She had done in preparation for her session.

Rexhame Beach and South River is such a beautiful location that is in the South Shore Its one of a kind and offers clients a good range and backdrop for both individual, Senior and family portraits.

Through the Summer and Especially the last couple weeks leading into the session there had been a lot of sighting of Sharks in the water as a result a lot of warnings regarding being mindful when at the beach and especially in the water.

Lydia has wanted a beach session for as long as she could remember although the timing had not been perfect. When she made a commitment to love herself more and make time for herself this year, she decided that this was the year that she would see her dream come true.

When she contacted me, we went over all the fine details during her consultation session including discussing how she would like to enjoy her portraits. After discussing all the options including Table Top Display and Wall art, she decided she wanted wall art. She also looked at different mediums and while she loves canvas, she fell in love with, Metal Prints So we determined that Metal Prints would go to her living area and a Canvas would go into her bedroom since she already had another piece of Canvas there.

Following which the day of session despite all the challenges with the weather we had a beautiful session, the sky had a wide range of colors and it ended in a perfect pink skyline which provided just the perfect backdrop for this beautiful lady from the inside out. I’ll let you be the judge.

After the Session we had to determine which cluster would work best based on the images She loved and while we initially loved the idea of a Modern setup it didn’t quite work out perfectly so then we decided that the Timeless Collection would work best. Really looking forward to Lydia’s Wall art Arriving and I can’t wait to share it with you. Stay Tuned to see the final product.

Would you like to know more about booking a session or a beach session? Email me to get more information by filling out the contact form here Not sure about what you want but you know you would like to have this phase in your life documented? No worries I will walk you through it all you can rest assured that no details will be missed and hat you will enjoy the experience Contact me today to learn more about what to expect from a session with me.