Seraphine Photography

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Spring Family Portraits at Powers Farm Randolph MA

When I met Jaime and Christina for a consultation session to plan their Spring Family Portraits. It was exciting to learn that they are both heavily involved with the Randolph Holbrook Pop Warner team. Both their daughters have been members of the team and one is still an active member. What an amazing role to have I bet it allows you some extra family time and as the team challenges arise you tackle them as a family. I highly commend both of them for volunteering their time and energy to this great cause. 

I had such a great time working with you on planning your experience for the session and capturing your family memories. Thank you for inviting me to document part of your family's legacy. I hope you enjoyed yourselves during your experience with me as much as I enjoyed myself with the whole process and I hope you are also enjoying your wall art. 

Here are some of my favorite images from the session.