Travelling Dress Project

This year has been full of exciting events and projects. One of which was this traveling dress project. I belong to an online community full of amazing photographers. One of the amazing photographers in the group mentioned the idea of putting together a traveling dress project and the response was amazing. There was such great interest that we had to divide into several different groups, with several different dresses based on age, so that each dress would have time to get to everyone in the group. This amazing project was organized by amazing Jennie Upham of Her work is breathtaking and I highly recommend that you check her out. Many thanks to her for heading up this project and suggesting it to our group.

This group consisted of 5 photographers from different parts of the country, we photographed the blue floral dress and this subgroup was lead by Sarah Jackman of Hurricane Utah . It was fun to see everyone’s finished product and see the difference in each photographers artistic vision. We hope that you enjoy the project as much as we enjoyed creating it Also please leave us comments ( we love to read them and respond), do you have an idea for our next project? We are always looking for exciting challenges. If you like what you see don’t forget to click on the links and follow each photographer!


Travelling Dress Project - Tan Embroidered Maxi


Stormy Weekend Beach Family Session and Senior Session at Gray’s Beach Kingston MA